Remember products and services in this, Skin Care, and almost every Multi-level Marketing business, can be sold as direct sales. Multi-level Marketing, also known as MLM, businesses provide numerous ways to be paid and the first way is to simply sell the products or services directly to the customers. This can be done by talking to friends and family as long as you remember that SELLING IS HELPING PEOPLE SOLVE A PROBLEM OR MAKE A DECISION. Selling is NOT talking and talking and talking to someone attempting to persuade them into buying something or using a service they do not want or need. No one likes to have someone, especially a friend or family member, "twist their arms" and apply pressure to buy something. This has been the main reason people shy away from a MLM company.
The best part about MLM businesses is that usually their products are far superior to what you might find in a store and when you use the techniques explained on the market a business page of this site, you will find that people will come to you both for the products and to join your business.
So, just to be sure you understand the difference in an MLM and Direct Sales, you can
The following companies have products that usually are of a high quality in the skin care arena. Along with the superior products you have the benefit of having your own personal consultant. The top consultants will have your products in their inventory and be able to service your needs in a timely manner. You will feel so special!
Arbonne International
Avon Products, Inc.
Behind the scenes at Avon, world-class scientists and technicians are masterminding Avon's latest product innovations. Explore these pages to find out more about how The Company for Women is staying at the forefront of the beauty marketplace by bringing leading-edge, technology-based products to women around the world. And watch a short video to see our new $100 million state-of-the art Research and Development Center in Suffern, New York.
Mary Kay, Inc.
Nu Skin
Te Poema / Tahitian Noni International
Arbonne International Independent Consultant Number 17710068
Avon Products, Inc.
1. Kimi Hensley
Visit Kimi's Website for complete line of products.
Mary Kay
NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment formulated to improve the appearance of: Fine Lines and Wrinkles Hyperpigmentation Uneven Skin Texture Aging Skin Sun-Damaged Skin
I was born and raised in Bakersfield, CA and am a mother of two with five beautiful grandchildren. I just recently launched a new career as a Independent Brand Partner with NeriumAD an age defying treatment. NeriumAD is a night cream developed from the patent pending extract of the Nerium Oleander plant. It contains the most effective age-deyfing ingredients, chosen for both their individual and synergistic benefits. These premium ingredients are blended at optimum levels to nourish your skin and provide real results. If you are interested in purchasing the product or wanting to discuss becoming a brand partner please contact me at, click on Results at top of page, then click on 90 Day Challenge to see remarkable results. I can also be reached by email: and by phone: 8805-937-3613. I would be happy to assist you with any questions that you have regarding NeriumAD and if you would like a personal presentation, or discuss hosting a Nerium Party, please contact me. This can change your life, the product is for Real.
Te Poema / Tahitian Noni International
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