Reinventing Your Finances

Reinventing Your finances means taking control often with the help of a professional who can help you look at different options for your financial future.

Reorganizing Your Finances May be Necessary to Do What you Would like to Do . . .

1.  What money do you have coming in every month that is guaranteed so you can make a budget?

2. What extra income do you need to be able to do what you want to do?

3. Is there a gap between your guaranteed income and what you would like to have?

4. How can you reorganize your finances so your income will last your entire lifetime providing food and shelter?

5. Are you able to maintain your pre-retirement lifestyle?

6. Do you need help with Medicare?  Book an appointment with Jeff Schwartz, my hubby, by clicking here.

Reinventing Your Finances to Maintain Your Current Lifestyle . . .

We get it. Retirement means something different to everyone and requires more planning than it did for our parents. Let’s figure out what you’ll be doing in your second-half and find a way to make it a reality.

Keeping in mind that currently, unless something major changes, Social Security will run out of money about 2035.

Take Control of Your Finances

We'll bring you the best of what we've learned in how to break this cycle and really make an impact on future savings for longer term goals. As well as actionable next steps for finally taking control of your financial future. To request this video, Click Here.

Financial & Emotional Confidence Quiz

Have you ever wondered what the most satisfied and emotionally confident Americans are doing right? Take our Financial & Emotional Confidence Quiz to find out how confident you are today and what you can start doing to improve your financial confidence today.  Click here to start.

Would you like to get organized and take control of your financial situation?  Do you know where to start and what plan to follow?

To request this 13 min. video, Click Here.

Finances - Take Control

Reinventing your Finances around Medical Care

Medical Care is critical as we age. 

Most people buy insurance by price. They are always looking for the “best deal”, and they assume that low price conveys the best deal. Medical Insurance is there to protect the client’s balance sheet.

When you buy insurance, buy it for “…the way you want it to look on the day you absolutely have to have it”. Life happens to us all. We just don’t know what that means. High deductibles (how much you have to pay before the insurance kicks in) may bring low premiums today, but it will result in a much larger bill when anything goes wrong.

Medicare has a lot of moving parts.  Avoid trying to figure it out yourself.  Get help.

If you need help with Medicare?  Book an appointment with Jeff Schwartz, my hubby, by clicking here.

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