Even though you may not have looked at yourself as an entrepreneur, once you start making some consistent, repeat income you have to realize that Entrepreneurship is a course of study needed to move you forward.
Here you have access to the critical tools used by entrepreneurs to prepare for the launch of a business. You will receive coaching from some of the best entrepreneurs throughout this program. If you take time to learn you will be prepared to take that next critical step with confidence and a feeling of optimism!
At Matrix Entrepreneur Academy, a place to learn, we break down entrepreneurship education into four categories:
1. Positive Mindset - Before you experience "success", no matter how you define it, you must fill your mind with positive thoughts, images, videos by leaders, and the ability to focus on your goal and not be influenced by other people in your life.
2. Wellness, or better yet, Good Health, is absolutely necessary to have the energy to handle all the aspects of business. This includes physical and emotional health.
3. Financial Literacy - An understanding of both personal finances and business finances are critical to your success as an entrepreneur, a business owner.
4. Contribution -Every business contributes to the well being of a part of the population.
Entrepreneurship, which is the curriculum necessary to start and grow a business. Knowledge, and the application of that knowledge, leads us to learn and practice skills necessary to be successful.
The steps in entrepreneurship is not necessarily in a 1, 2, 3, etc. way that works perfectly. Many times you must just learn something on the spot or open an account that is on the Part III part of the program.
In the past, when someone started a business they wrote a Business Plan as can be see on this website. This may still be necessary for certain funding, but otherwise is a big waste of time and no one ever looks at it again.
Now, the method used is a one page Canvas Template. This can then be looked at often and modified as time goes on.
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