Reinvent Your Energy

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Reinventing your energy is reinventing the way you feel each day. Your energy reflects your health in every aspect!  

This includes the food, supplements, the type of water you drink, the air you breath, as well as the exercise in which you participate in on a regular basis.

Open Road

Reinvent Your Energy instead of Settling for
The Way it has always Been.

How often to we hear or even say to ourselves, "But we have always done it this way . . ."

We have always eaten these foods, drank these drinks, taken these vitamins, etc.  

Every Year I Throw Out Everything
I have Always Done . . .

Then I Reinvent My Energy, but looking at each activity, food I eat, and basically the way I do everything.  

I put back into my life the activities, etc. that fit and leave the rest out of my life.

I believe in Reinventing your life and living a better life. This may mean cleaning out your closets and making room for more or even less items in your world. It can also mean clearing out some of the activities, letting go of friends who are not uplifting, or even changing where you live.

My friend, Anna Hayes, says this so beautifully.

Person - Anna Hayes

What many do not understand is that some things need to die so other things may live bigger and better.

Like Autumn leaves; they turn the most beautiful colors, yet they are dying and leaving the tree so it may live through a dormant stage to grow better and offer new life, new leaves in the spring and provide us with the oxygen we need to survive.

As we grow, there are things about us that will die also so that other things may grow and live bigger and better.

We need to make room for expansion or we will forever be stuck in one spot wondering why things aren’t working out the way we want them to.

It’s hard to think of ourselves as shedding our skin like a snake, our shells like a crab, or even our leaves like a tree.

Yet, each time we level up a physical skill, learn something new, combat a fear, make a connection, change our location, experience trauma where we survive and overcome, say we’re sorry, forgive someone, or walk away, we are shedding our old life and building a new one.

We are walking into an unknown place in the world we’ve never been before.

Can it be scary sometimes? Yes, but we can remember when we’ve been in new spaces before and we’re still here.

Will it hurt sometimes? Yes, but we’ve been hurt before and we’re still here.

Don’t dwell on what was.

Use it for what will be.

Look forward to what you can make out of it.

Trust yourself to be the best you can be in that moment.

And then move on to your next life with open arms!

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