MLM - Multi-level Marketing

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MLM, which is an acronym for Multi-level Marketing, utilizes leverage and a team approach. This is a business model that has some very unique characteristics. The worst part is that when you make a sale you share your profit with your upline. The best part is that your downline shares their profit with you. In addition, most companies have several ways for you to be paid which includes Direct Sales to your customers.

What is an upline?

Each person has an upline, those people who help people get started which includes usually the person who sponsored you and the person who sponsored them, etc. right "up the line". Your sponsor and the other people in your upline ideally coach new, as well as seasoned people, to success. So, when you start your MLM business you can work directly with your sponsor or go upline until you find the most successful person you can who will get you up and running. Sometimes your sponsor may have only started 10 minutes before you, so you are working together to learn. MLM companies value working as teams which, when utilized, can be very lucrative for everyone.

What is a downline?

In a Multi-level Marketing Business you are usually paid for your direct sales, but you will also earn a percentage of the profit of those people who you sponsor into the business. These people, and the people who they sponsor, and the people who they sponsor, and so on down the line is called your Down Line. It is therefore critical that you do not depend on anyone to help, train, and develop leaders in your organization, your downline. Yes, there may be help, and the company leaders most likely will provide help, but develop your own leadership abilities and be the leader you would like to follow. Again, it is Your Business.

When starting a MLM business, there are a couple of important factors:

1. Plug into the training system the company has to offer.

Unfortunately many people start a MLM business thinking they are going to get rich without doing much and other people are going to do a lot of that for them. Many presentations from MLM companies actually do give that impression and people starting have an unrealistic picture of what they need to do and how the whole thing works. Take the time to learn what you need to learn and learn about the products from the company and how the business works from those who are already making the money in the company.

2. It is YOUR business! Treat it as a business, not a hobby.

Before you start, understand that you are responsible for your success or failure. It's important to be coachable, but you do need to go to work and be self-reliant. There is a myth that the ones who get in first are the ones who make all of the money. I guess that could be true in some cases, but be aware that the ones who got in first worked harder than anyone else and they blazed the trail. All of the systems that are available for the new distributors, representatives, consultants, or associates now, were not in place when the first people got started. Many others were not willing to put in the time, money, and work and they quit. The ones now making the most money had to make their businesses work by being self-reliant. They made sure all of those great conference calls, literature, etc. were put in place and are now available for new people. However, when a new person comes along who is coachable, willing to "roll up their sleeves and go to work", they usually can make the same money or more.

3. Continue with your own personal development.

There is a fine balance between Mindset and Work Ethic. When you spend time and money developing your mindset, vision, goals, etc. you will be far more successful than if you just take lots of action, but don't know where you are going. This will also keep you from falling into trap of blaming your sponsor, the company, your spouse, the dog, or anyone else.

MLM companies often deliver high-end products and services and are in many different industries.

The industries listed below often have several different MLM companies with an overlap of products and services. The companies on this page are reputable and solid, as far as is reported at this time, but keep in mind, businesses can change in a heartbeat. We are not recommending any company and there may be several people listed from the same company or in a category who would like to sponsor you. Call each of them and interview them. Don't just sign up with the first person with whom you talk. If you know a particular company is the right one for you, interview your potential sponsor and check out the teams. Working with people who are right for you and have a history of helping new people be successful, is usually better than just signing up and finding our later. The important, and I mean the most important, is follow your heart and your passion. Sometimes we THINK ourselves into wrong decisions be piling up a bunch of reasons that do not match our inner desires. Just because you have a few butterflies only means it is out of your comfort zone to move ahead, but I am willing to bet that anyone who has been successful at anything, had a few butterflies when they started.

Industries included in no particular order are:

1. Automobile Products
2. Home Services
   a. Energy
   b. Telecommunications
3. Home
   a. Products
   b. Decorations
4. Health
5. Personal
   a. Skin Care
   b. Clothing Jewelry
6. Cards and Photo
7. Travel
8. Internet Shopping
9. Financial Services
10. Education

The following is NOT a complete list of all of the solid MLM companies in existence. If you would like to list your name as a representative of a company not on the following list, just add the name and web address of your company when you fill out the FREE LISTING form.

Companies Included here in Alphabetical Order:

Acai Plus / TriUnity International
ACN, Inc.
Ambit Energy
Amway / Quixtar / Alticor
Arbonne International, Inc.
Avon Products, Inc.
BIOPRO Technology
BPI Worldwide formerly BioPerformance Inc.
CAbi, L.L.C.
Coastal Vacations
Creative Memories
Discovery Toys Inc.
EcoQuest International
Emerald Passport
Ethos Environmental, Inc.
Financial Destination Inc / FDI
FreeLife International / Goji Juice
Healing America
InnerLight Inc.
Lia Sophia
Liberty Health Network, LLC Market America, Inc.
Mary Kay, Inc.
Max International, MaxGXL
My Power Mall
Nature's Sunshine Products
Nikken Global, Inc.
Nu Skin / Big Planet / Pharmanex / Photomax
PartyLite Polaris Media Services Pre-Paid Legal Services®, Inc.
ProTravel Network
Send Out
Shaklee Corporation
The Pampered Chef, Ltd.
The Trump Network / Currently Ideal Health until Oct. 09
Trilogy International, Inc ZoneNet , HealthyPetNet
Tupperware Corporation
USANA Health Sciences

1. Auto

     BPI Worldwide BioPerformance Inc.

     Ethos Environmental, Inc. / ecoMates

More about Auto Products Businesses

2. Home Services

  a. Energy

     New Age Power Bids


  b. Telecommunications


     ACN, Inc.

More about Energy Businesses

More about Telecommunications Businesses

3. Home

   a. Products

     Discovery Toys Inc.

     The Pampered Chef, Ltd.

     Tupperware Corporation

  b. Decorations

     Avon Products, Inc.


More about Home Products Businesses

More about Home Decorations Businesses

4. Health

     Acai Plus / TriUnity International

     BIOPRO Technology

     EcoQuest International

     FreeLife International / Goji Juice

     Healing America


     InnerLight Inc.


     Liberty Health Network, LLC

     Max International, MaxGXL


     Nature's Sunshine Products

     Nikken Global, Inc.

     Nu Skin / Big Planet / Pharmanex / Photomax

     Shaklee Corporation


     Trilogy International Inc., / ZoneNet / HealthyPetNet

     Trump Network / Currently Ideal Health until 10-09

     USANA Health Sciences



     XanGo LLC

More about Health Businesses

5. Personal

  a. Skin Care

     Arbonne International, Inc.

     Avon Products, Inc.

     Mary Kay, Inc.

     Nu Skin

     Defy - Morinda

  b. Fashion

     CAbi, L.L.C.

     Avon Products, Inc.

     Lia Sophia

More about Skin Care MLM Businesses

More about Fashion Businesses

6. Cards, Scrapbooking, Photo Organization

     Creative Memories

     Photomax / Nu Skin / Big Planet / Pharmanex /

     Send Out

More about Photo Organization, Cards, and Scrapbooking Businesses

7. Travel

     Coastal Vacations

     ProTravel Network

More about Travel Businesses

8. Internet Online Shopping

     Amway / Quixtar / Alticor

     Market America, Inc.

     My Power Mall

More about Online Shopping Businesses

9. Financial Services

     Financial Destination Inc / FDI

     Pre-Paid Legal Services®, Inc.

More about Financial Services Businesses

10. Education

     Emerald Passport

     Financial Destination Inc. / FDI

     Polaris Media Group

More about Education Businesses

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