Remember products and services in this, the Health Business, and almost every Multi-level Marketing business, can be sold as direct sales. Multi-level Marketing, also known as MLM, businesses provide numerous ways to be paid and the first way is to simply sell the products or services directly to the customers. This can be done by talking to friends and family as long as you remember that SELLING IS HELPING PEOPLE SOLVE A PROBLEM OR MAKE A DECISION. Selling is NOT talking and talking and talking to someone attempting to persuade them into buying something or using a service they do not want or need. No one likes to have someone, especially a friend or family member, "twist their arms" and apply pressure to buy something. This has been the main reason people shy away from a MLM company.
The best part about MLM businesses is that usually their products are far superior to what you might find in a store and when you use the techniques explained on the market a business page of this site, you will find that people will come to you both for the products and to join your business.
So, just to be sure you understand the difference in an MLM and Direct Sales, you can!
The following companies have products which can be used to enhance your health, increase your energy, and improve your overall feeling of well-being. Some have an array of products which can help you with weight control and improve your environment as well. Because of the number of companies in the Health Business, there will be multiple pages in this industry. By the way, because of the number of BABY BOOMERS, these businesses not only provide a great service to the aging generation, THEY ARE ONE OF THE REALLY HOT INDUSTRIES WHERE PEOPLE ARE MAKING MONEY.
Acai Plus / TriUnity International
BIOPRO Technology
By bringing the wonders of nature together with progressive science, BIOPRO Technology quickly emerged to assume an international leadership position in the fields of progressive Wellness and Green Technologies. What started as one “BioEnergetic” product to deal with the health hazards associated with Cell Phone usage, soon expanded into a line of Wellness and GreenTech products in a number of highly specialized product categories. The world responded enthusiastically, and so did BIOPRO. The rest is history... in the making.
Vollara - Formerly EcoQuest International
FreeLife International / Goji Juice
InnerLight Inc.
Max International, MaxGXL
Nature's Sunshine Products
Nikken Global, Inc.
Nu Skin / Big Planet / Pharmanex / Photomax
Shaklee Corporation
Tahitian Noni International
Trilogy International Inc., / ZoneNet / HealthyPetNet
Trump Network / Currently Ideal Health until 10-09
Donald Trump is getting into the MLM Market with a great company, great products and a strong history.
Businesses listed on this page are:
Acai Plus / TriUnity International
BIOPRO Technology
By bringing the wonders of nature together with progressive science, BIOPRO Technology quickly emerged to assume an international leadership position in the fields of progressive Wellness and Green Technologies. What started as one “BioEnergetic” product to deal with the health hazards associated with Cell Phone usage, soon expanded into a line of Wellness and GreenTech products in a number of highly specialized product categories. The world responded enthusiastically, and so did BIOPRO. The rest is history... in the making.
Vollara - Formerly EcoQuest International
Vollara manufactures and distributes Healthy Living Technologies for Air, Water and Power purification. The products are distributed to its Virtual Franchise Dealers in the US and Canada with operations in Europe, Asia and South America. The products are manufactured in the US.
FreeLife International / Goji Juice
InnerLight Inc.
Health is about balance and nothing else matters if your body is out of balance. Our products and our lifestyle support balancing your pH and your life, giving you optimal health. When you start using our products you will ultimately feel better. Feeling better may cause you to want to feel great. Feeling great may cause you to want to feel extraordinary. Wherever the InnerLight journey takes you, we have a path waiting for you.
Acai Plus / TriUnity International
BIOPRO Technology
By bringing the wonders of nature together with progressive science, BIOPRO Technology quickly emerged to assume an international leadership position in the fields of progressive Wellness and Green Technologies. What started as one “BioEnergetic” product to deal with the health hazards associated with Cell Phone usage, soon expanded into a line of Wellness and GreenTech products in a number of highly specialized product categories. The world responded enthusiastically, and so did BIOPRO. The rest is history... in the making.
1. Donna Schwartz
Click on the logo for more information about the incredible products. We use them and feel much safer.
Vollara - Formerly EcoQuest International
Vollara manufactures and distributes Healthy Living Technologies for Air, Water and Power purification. The products are distributed to its Virtual Franchise Dealers in the US and Canada with operations in Europe, Asia and South America. The products are manufactured in the US.
1. Nick Biren
Mobile Phone Number: (661) 972-3809
My profession is as an Internet and Information Systems Consultant.
When I learned that my wife had contracted a serious disease at a young age. I set about trying to find answers as to why. The answer has come back profoundly with two major contributing factors:
1) Toxins in the Environment, and;
2) Nutrition and eating habits.
In years of research on Toxins, I found that there were several things we could do about our indoor environments: Air and Water purification. And plenty we could do about nutrition as well.
InnerLight Inc.
Health is about balance and nothing else matters if your body is out of balance. Our products and our lifestyle support balancing your pH and your life, giving you optimal health. When you start using our products you will ultimately feel better. Feeling better may cause you to want to feel great. Feeling great may cause you to want to feel extraordinary. Wherever the InnerLight journey takes you, we have a path waiting for you.
1. Donna Schwartz
I personally use their greens for my morning vitamins. I learned about their benefits from Tony Robbins who has spread the word about their products for years.
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