The first step to getting a person the information about Melaleuca is to set an appointment so they can see an overview. Melaleuca is a people-company so we help people understand instead of just giving them a link and say, "Go shop".
When you find someone you can help, then the next step is to schedule a time where they can see an overview of the company.
This can be done several ways.
1. Send them a link on the Grow App
2. Set an In-person appointment or meet on Zoom.
It usually works best if you give them two options. For example, what works best, Tues. or Wed.? Do you like morning or afternoon? Are you available Tues. or Wed. evening for a Live Walk-through?
If you meet in person plan to meet at a neutral place like Starbucks rather than meet for lunch where you have a server constantly interrupting you.
Showing a person the overview of Melaleuca is key to helping them understand how this unique shopping club works. In fact, Melaleuca requires us to educate new potential customers.
So where can I find an overview to show a person?
3. On the Melaleuca website. Hover over the word "Enrollments" and find the word "Overviews" in the drop down menu. Then click on "QuickShare Pro". These can be shown while you are with someone or on Zoom.
You can send a link to an overview, but when they open it, you must be on your device and click start. It's best to also be connected on the phone so you know if they can hear.
4. In person or on Zoom click on "Present Slide Show Now" or "Download Overview Presentation". You can simply read the slides quickly through answering any questions as you go along.
You can also purchase this book from Melaleuca to carry with you or print out the pages and put into a binder. That works best with each page back to back in plastic page protectors.
The overview book can be purchased in the Business Center at the "Download & Print" page.
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