Reinvent Your Life and Live Starting Now!

This website is being updated daily.  Come back tomorrow and see what is new.  Some pages were created in 2008 and need refreshing.

Is it Time to Reinvent Your Life and Live?

Are you Happy with Your Life as a Retiree?

In order to Reinvent Your Life and Live your best life there are several important factors.  This means you change up your activities, schedule, eating times, type of food, people with whom you hang out, and your overall priorities.  Is this too scary?

Within this website, you will be encouraged to “Get to Know Yourself” again.

I’ll be sharing some extra info here on mindset and ways to Think Differently as you are Getting Older.

My doctor told me that I started to get healthier after I retired.  There is no truth in the thinking that getting older means having illnesses. 

I had time and energy to focus on my eating and exercise habits as well as learning what products I use. These make a big difference in how I feel.  I took this Time to Reinvent My Life and Live?  

In addition, all of life at this time is fueled by having the financial resources to keep or even improve your lifestyle.

What is it that you have always wanted to do?

Some people are content just being busy, but as humans we are made to contribute. This can take on many forms, but happiness is often dependent on something that Gives Your Life a Purpose.

BP 4 Lady at Home Office

What is it that motivates you to get up in the morning?

Were you a business person ever?  Is that something that you would like to start or grow?

Business skills for seniors usually involve learning new ways to communicate which often involves social media.

Did you have this experience?

Whoopee! That’s how you felt or will feel the day you “retire”!   I can do whatever I want when I want!

So, you schedule lunch with friends, a vacation out of town, dates for tennis, golf, bridge, a book club and more time with family, assuming they have time.

You stop by the office, business, company, school, or wherever you worked to visit your friends from work and tell them all the fun things you are doing. You miss them, the conversations, and good times. However, your conversations are not as interesting because there have been new events, situations, etc. at work that do not include you. You may continue to get together with former co-workers outside of their work, but eventually there is little to say unless you have a deeper relationship and even then it may not be the same.

Reinvent Your Life and Live Starts with Mindset - How you Think . . .

I’ll be sharing some extra info here on mindset, feeling better mentally and physically, improving your finances, and business skills for seniors.  In the meantime, think about how you would answer these questions . . .

Listen carefully to what you are saying to yourself . . .

1. After the honeymoon of retirement has ended and you are realizing that you need to make a plan, are you feeding your mind with excitement about the future or fear of the unknown?

2. Are you looking for activities to just fill up the day or are you on a mission to fulfill a passion that you finally have time to do?

3. Are you telling yourself negative comments about "Old People", like Getting old is not for the faint of heart, or are you excited to get up every day with plans and activities ahead?

Reinvent Your Life and Live means being Physically and Mentally Healthy 

The Ultimate Redefiner, Sir Richard Branson:

“I Don't Think Age is Relevant”

Listen carefully to your body and what it is telling you.

1. Does your body want to move more?

2. Does it like the food and nutrition you are putting into your body?

3. Are the products you are using on your body and in your home causing you to be healthier or sick?

4. What type of liquids are you putting in your body?

5. How is the air you are breathing?

Reinvent Your Life and Live includes stable Finances 

1.  What money do you have coming in every month that is guaranteed so you can make a budget?

2. What extra income do you need to be able to do what you want to do?

3. Is there a gap between your guaranteed income and what you would like to have?

4. How can you reorganize your finances so your income will last your entire lifetime providing food and shelter?  Very often doing this involves another set of eyes with more expertise than you to see how you can rearrange your financial picture.

5. Are you able to maintain your pre-retirement lifestyle?

6. Do you need help with Medicare?  Book an appointment with Jeff Schwartz, my hubby.  Find his link on the Financial Page

Do You have a Way to Contribute to Others?

What do you have to offer the world?  It's amazing how when you reinvent your life and live a better life you find yourself helping others and making their lives better.

1.  Will you feel fulfilled if you just keep busy and use up the time each day doing activities?

2. Have you considered volunteering and supporting other members of the community?  Will this be enough for you?

3. Have you considered that starting or growing a business is giving back to the world?  All businesses help people solve a problem or provide products that enhance the lives of others.

4.  Does helping others cause you to feel afraid if you are receiving compensation?  Do you feel you are not worth it?

5.  Are you willing to learn marketing skills that will attract customers and clients to you?

Motivational - Remote

For seniors who are retired or going to retire, it's about maintaining and improving the lifestyle you currently have while being healthy. 

Join me as a "Silver Maverick" who will not settle for reduced income and poor health.

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Retiring? Take this self evaluation.

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